Hi folks, I hope you are all well and safe.
The last two modules (Creativity and Innovation & Prototyping and Testing) were content-heavy. I understand and appreciate the effort you put into attending them live.
Ideally we would have been creating our prototypes in the same room with a lot of fun and interaction. Given the current circumstances though, we had to adjust to an online environment.
Here you can access the recording of module n. 4 on prototyping and testing (Tuesday's session). Download the slides here.
Register here for the upcoming Friday's catch-up session. In this session we not only will answer questions and doubts about the content introduced on Tuesday's, but we will dig more into practical and real examples of prototyping.
In this session, we will: 1. Introduce to Lean Start-Up method. Where was it created and why? 2. Familiarise with the business model canvas and its components. 3. Familiarise with the value proposition canvas and its components. 4. Introduce the concept of product-market fit. 5. Explaining the difference between the business model canvas and the lean canvas. 6. Introduce the concept of pivoting and failing fast and cheap.
For questions or clarifications, please use the comment field below.
Stay tuned.