Hi folks, I hope you are well and safe.
Thanks for all of you that took part to today's catch-up session, you made it special and fun! Access the recording of the session here.
It's reassuring seeing the work you guys are putting into the programme. Thank you to Michele for sharing her awesome Mural!
Tuesday we are schifting gears. From Design thinking (human centred design) to the Lean Start-up method.
In the session we will introduce Business Model Canvas. As many of you are already familiar with it and have it filled in for their organisation, why don't present it to the class?
After that, we will introduce the Lean Canvas. Again, it will be the perfect occasion for those of you that have it ready, to introduce their work to the rest of the class.
Leave a comment below if you'd like to present your business canvas or lean canvas.
I'll see you on Tuesday.